Learn from professionals with years of industry experience.
Our excellence is backed by numerous awards and recognitions.
Learn from professionals with years of industry experience.
Access an extensive library of materials to aid your learning.
Empowering learners with tailored education to excel, innovate, and positively impact their chosen fields
Leading the future of learning with innovative programs, fostering excellence, and shaping tomorrow's industry leaders.
We offer a wide range of internships across various durations. Each internship is designed to provide comprehensive learning and hands-on experience in your chosen field.
Yes, our company is proud to be approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). This ensures that our training and internship programs meet high standards of quality and relevance to the current industry needs.
Regardless of the duration, each of our internships is priced at ₹350. This fee is standardized to make our programs accessible while ensuring the highest quality of education and experience.
Shiksha Corner is an educational platform offering diverse online internships, empowering students to acquire new skills and knowledge for personal and professional growth.